About Me


I’m a product of Southeast Texas, an Aggie (Class of ’05), Christian, wife and mom of two hilarious peeps. My super hero card says that my strengths include graphic design, running and fun-having. Weaknesses … cooking, washing my car and lighting fires.

Why am I qualified to help you? I have been designing since 2008, I love what I do and I care about the final product. I have a large-scale event design mentality and believe that proper design is executed when the organization’s mission is visually supported.

I served as the Creative Design Manager for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo for six seasons and was the creative behind most Show signage, grounds and stadium presentation, publications, exhibits, bullfighter uniforms, tickets and a multitude of other items. I am honored to have had the opportunity to brand the Show for the 2018 event. In addition to the brand and graphics, I also provided the conceptualization for many of the educational displays.

My career began in a print shop. I designed in a room with another designer, type-setter and two pre-press folks. It was on-site training at it’s finest.

In August 2018, I launched my own design business as Lindsay Partridge Design. Since then, I have also founded Honest Archery Apparel and co-founded Bean & Skippy’s Jerky.

I would love to chat and find out how I can visually serve your business!