Design Matters


Design entices emotion … good, bad or ugly. Design is a visual representation of you, your business and your values.

Think about any festival that you have been to. Let’s say you walk up to the fried banana tent and it has a clear, crisp, witty logo on the tent top … and then right next door there is the fried banana’s competitor … the fried apple. The fried apple’s owner’s sister’s neighbor from around the corner has the paint program on her computer and pumped out a low-res apple with a smirky grin. They print that baby out and slap it up on their tent top. Unfortunately, it is pixelated and the smirky grin looks like an accidental slip of the pencil. No one actually can tell they even sell fried apples because the text isn’t legible. You look back to your friend and say, “hey friend … our fav band is starting in ten minutes and I super want a snack. I don’t know what this tent is on the right, but I do know that the one on the left has an awesome banana logo on top … the artwork is so legit that surely the fried banana will be the”

Moral: Invest in your image. You might have the best fried apple’s out there, but if your audience isn’t taking the time to check out your Yelp reviews then you need to be able to woo them with your good looks.

Photo: This is a pic of Rick and I at a music festival … our favorite tasty treat were the ice cream tacos (yum).